Tag Archives: neighborhood

Lavender Photograph: Part II Prints for Sale

16 Mar




These are the next three lavender photographs that are now available for purchase as prints in my spring collection. I particularly love these three photographs together as a set, but they  hold their own as well. These are a collection of photographs taken in southwest Washington state during spring last year.

I often wander my ne8ghborhood with my camera, especially in the spring when there are lots of new flowers out. On this particular  trip around my neighborhood I had the intention of heading to the local Camas Lily field to take photographs of the purple and blue flowers that were in bloom there, but along the way I got side tracked by the beautiful lavender with the bees working very hard to collect pollen. I ended up spending more time with the Lavender than the Camas flowers I had intended to photograph. 

If you care to see all of the photographs in this spring series now or to go purchase one you can find the link here. To see the first in the series, the lavender at sunset, the first post in the lavender collection here.