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Black and White 8 Week Photography Challenge: Final Week

23 Jun


This is my final post for the 8 weeks of black and white photography I challenged myself to do. I actually enjoyed this challenge and may try and keep up with more black and white photography to continue to challenge myself.

Have a great week!

Black and White Photography Challenge: Week 7

20 May


A few weeks ago I was scoping out a location for a portrait photography shoot in Portland and was taking photographs along the way to help more create a map of where I would be able to place people that would have a nice back drop.

Of course I ended up finding a patch of Butter Cups (anyone else think of the Princess Bride everyone you see Butter Cups) to photograph. 🙂 I don’t often turn my flower photographs black and white because a lot off what I love about flowers is the color they have, but since I am trying to do more black and white I decided to just try it out. I used my Samsung phone to photograph this time and used the app Snapseed to edit it.

This park, Gabriel Park, in Portland was lovely and has lots of opportunity for great photographs as well as tennis, baseball, skate boarding, and a short hike. I had no idea Portland had this park, but it is really quite lovely. Of course Portland is wonderful for all of the rally great packets of wilderness and parks that it has.

Check out my week 6 black and white photography challenge while you are here and feel free to join along and post a black and white photograph a week for 8 weeks. I only have one more week to go, but I would enjoy seeing what others post. 🙂

Black and White Photography Challenge: Week 5

20 May


For week five of my black and white photography challenge I am posting a photograph from my day to day life, some might call this lifestyle photography.

While I was getting some work done the other day my I got paints out for my daughter. She decided she was going to replicate all of one of her favorite books. She ended up stopping short, but enjoyed painting.

I snapped a few photographs with my phone and then edited them with Snapseed, an application you can download onto your phone.

I made a black and white version for this post and a color version for my Instagram (Livelovecreatebehappy is my user name if you want to go check it out). Let me know which you like better :-).

See last week’s black and white photograph at the post for week 4 of my black and white photography challenge.

Feel free to join in on the challenge and post a black and white photograph a week for 8 weeks. 🙂

8 Week Black & White Photography Challenge: Week 4 Fern

14 May

I was very fortunate to be taken to do some of my favorite things for Mother’s day this last weekend. I started my day running with a friend. After my run I met my family for brunch. They stood in the 45 minute line before I arrived so I could just and sit down (maybe the best part).

After brunch at La Petite Patisserie we walked down Alberta street to Salt and Straw ice cream where I tasted each of the May flower flavors. I ended up getting a half scoop each of salted caramel and dandelion sorbet with wildflowers. Yummy!!

Next we wandered up the Oregon side of the Columbia Gorge and bipassed the usual stop at Multnomah Falls to go to Horse Tail Falls, Ponytail Falls, and the Oneonta Gorge. It was beautiful and I want to go back on a really warm day and walk up the creek in the gorge to see the gorge from another perspective. The hike was just short of 3 miles and made a loop. There are plenty of off shoots that we can go back and explore some more another day.

So my only mistake was not charging my camera battery the night before, oops! So my photography this week comes from my phone.


I always love the way the ferns hang off the cliffs surrounding a waterfall and waterfalls you can walk behind offer a good view. I changed this one too black and white, but you can see the original colour and more from this trip at my Instagram account (a live feed should be on the right if you are on the nonmobile version). Or search for me, my user name is livelovecreatebehappy.

I have definitely been feeling the challenge of trying to see photographs in black and white before taking a photo.

Enjoy the rest of your week! 🙂

Weekly Photography Challenge: Afloat

17 Apr


These frog eggs were found afloat in a pond while we were exploring in Camas, Washington. She took them out to show me.

Finding frog eggs floating in ponds is a favorite spring pastime, although I don’t usually recommend we pull them out. It is fun to return to the same pond to see if we can find tadpoles and then to watch as the tadpoles grow legs and develop into frogs.

You can join the weekly photography challenge too at the WordPress post a day.

Photography is part of my lifestyle and helps me record moments in time, but I also don’t always want to carry around my nice camera so I have been finding myself taking a lot more photographs with my phone. I do not have a super nice phone, but I have found a pretty decent and free photo editing app called snapseed. This photograph and the last two posts that are from my self imposed black and white photography challenge were all edited with that app. 🙂

Weekly Photography Challenge: Blur

7 Apr


The weekly photography challenge this will is blur. This photograph was taken in Salem, Oregon at the Camas Lily field at Bush Pasture Park.

We went to Salem for a quick Easter dinner on Sunday and arrived a few minutes to early so we stopped at this park for a few minutes to kill time. The field are in full bloom right now.

I only took photographs with my phone camera this year and I uploaded most of them to Instagram, however I saved this one for here. It really reminds me of Easter with the Easter baskets filled with grass and colored eggs.

If you want to join the photography challenge follow the link. 🙂

Weekly Photography Challenge: Reward

3 Mar


I took this photograph of my cutie checking out this daffodil she planted last fall. This was a part of a school wide garden project that has rewarded the kids and parents by blooming already.

I took this week’s photograph on my phone and used a new photo editing app called Snapseed to make adjustments. I have yet to decide if I like the application a whole lot, but it is fun to play with.

You can check out more of my weekly photography challenge entries in the tab above and if you want to join the challenge you can sign up to get challenge notice at WordPress post a day.


Weekly Photography Challenge: Summer Lovin’

31 Jul

The things I am lovin’ about summer:




All photographs were taken in Camas/Washougal today with my phone. 🙂

If you want to join the photography challenge you can do so by following the link.

Weekly Photography Challenge: Contrast

3 Jul


Once again a photograph from my run.  Can you tell I am spending more time training to run than taking photographs lately. This one was taken on an evening run, so the shade created even more contrast.

That is in large part because I am signed up for the Girlfriends half marathon in October, which is affiliated with Komen Race For the Cure. I have not done a half before,  in fact my first 5k was just this past St. Patrick’s Day.

I have a running partner now and she is good at pushing me,  which is great.  So we signed up for this run in part because we needed a run,  and also because I lost my best friend to breast cancer at 29.

I also have another friend who had been diagnosed recently and is now going through treatment.  I like the idea of raising funds for a cure,  but I also wanted to help her raise funds for uncovered expenses. 

My Grandma has also had breast cancer twice, so I think this is a fitting run all in all.

Needless to say,  my mind has been on running lately.

Weekly Photography Challenge: Between

26 Jun

Between the trees
There is a path
Green forest, protection from the rain and sun
It provides a beautiful place to walk and run…


A place to visit and explore
Once a week, sometimes more.
A place to escape, to mediate
A path perfect for a photograph.





All photographs taken with my phone, while on a run. And the writing above is why I am a photographer, not a writer! 😉