Tag Archives: ballerina

8 Week Black & White Photography Challenge: Ballerina

30 Apr Ballerina jumping, black and white photograph taken at the Portland Waterfront

Ballerina jumping, black and white photograph taken at the Portland Waterfront

Well I had hoped I would get another one of these ballerina photographs up this week and I am, but am squeaking in under the wire.

This is another photograph where the ballerina was jumping (I wish I knew the terms for the different poses and jumps), I definitely caught this jump midair. You can see my previous ballerina post here.

This photograph was taken on the east side of the Portland Waterfront near OMSI. There were some people drumming giving us background rhythm and bicyclists and runners (including Sasha Roiz from the NBC show Grimm, the girls were actually whispering to each other, wishing they could take a photo with him) passing by us with some frequency. It was a gorgeous day.

These ballerinas were just perfect subjects to photograph and the light was amazing. The thing that is great about doing a shoot like this one is the lack of pressure, which does not mean there is a lack of anxiety, and the chance to try things out and learn with out feeling like I am letting anyone down. I feel like I learn something every time I shoot, but when I do something that is new to me I grow so much more. I know that next time I photograph something like this I will change things up and that I will always have room to grow.

I had so much fun photographing these lovely young ladies and they have said they are willing to do another shoot which would be amazing. Maybe next time we can get the cast of Grimm to come pose with them. đŸ˜‰

Check out week 1 and week 2 of my black and white photography challenge, and feel free to join with me and post your own each week. I would love to see more black and white photography.