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The Bee’s Dance, a Lavender Photograph

18 Mar

This is my last post to reveal my new photographs available for sale that are up in my newest spring collection of lavender centric photographs. I saved my photograph of this bee dancing around the lavender for last because it happens to be my favorite capture in this collection.

Purchase here at Fine Art America


I spent the majority of my time chasing this bee, and a few others, around the lavender bushes to try and get a photograph of it getting nectar. The bees dance around the lavender so quickly that they are difficult to get into focus, and this day was abnormally warm for sunset so they did not seem to be slowing down as they sometimes do as it gets colder.

I find this bee to be beautiful especially with the yellow and orange in contrast to the purple lavender plant. I hope that you will check out my prints available for sale and please share this with your bee and flower loving friends.

Here is a link to the first post and here is one to the second post, but you can see all my photographs for sale currently here.

Close Up at Mt. Rainier National Park

24 Jul

I have been really lucky that most years an Aunt and Uncle of mine come from New York out to Oregon to go to the Oregon Country Fair and arrive in time for my birthday most times. We almost always take their visit as an opportunity to head out and go camping in either Oregon or Washington for a few days. This years was no different, except that I was graced with the presence of another one my aunts which was wonderful! This year we drove up to Mt. Rainier National Park in Washington.

We found a great camp site at the White River Camp grounds in Mt. Rainier National Park and then took off to do a short hike before dark. This was a trip where I had my kids along and hiking was enjoyable, but required a bit of, let’s say encouragement from all of the adults to make it past the parking lot. However, I did manage to get a few photographs of various things while on the trip and so for this weeks photography challenge of close up, I am sharing from these photographs.

It was beautiful and there were quite a few wildflowers still hanging around, although in comparison to most other years they were actually very early, we had apparently missed the huge show of flowers by at least a week.



The flowers of course bring out the pollinators and so we got to see several different butterflies however this was the only on I captured staying still.


Of course there is nothing quite like being up close to a beautiful mountain, although they tend to photograph better from a bit further back in my opinion. This was taken at Sunrise on the hike up to frozen lake, which was in no way frozen this trip.


Weekly Photography Challenge: Yellow

21 Dec

Photography of butterfly on lavendar in upstate New York

Over the summer I was lucky enough to travel back east to upstate New York and visit the Finger Lakes where my grandparents were living. My Grandfather had been a part of the Rotary Club there for many years and took us to one of the meetings that was held at Rooster Winery on Keuka Lake.

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They have a beautiful outdoor pizza grill on a patio facing the lake. It happens to be surrounded by flowers which I am happy to say were buzzing with bees and being visited by butterflies. So for this weekly photography challenge which is yellow, I present a visit back to August and the warm days of summer.


photography of flowers and clouds yellow2

Photograph of a bee taken in upstate New York by Emilia Brasier Photography