Weekly Photo Challenge: Dreaming

3 Aug

Ugh sorry I am so behind on these! Here is my dream post…mostly because I had been really wanting to stop on the 205 bridge going over the Columbia and photograph Mt Hood for a long time, I day dreamed about it whenever there was a sunset or really great dark clouds with evening sun. I finally just stopped and took a few photos, from the inside of my car (windows open) because I was kind of scared to get out. Maybe at some point I will walk across the pedestrian part of the bridge and take photos but it runs through the middle of the bridge so I think cars would be in any shots I could take 😦

One Response to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Dreaming”

  1. SimplySage August 4, 2012 at 11:41 am #

    Wow, this was beautiful and worth the wait. I’m usually a week behind on those, too. I like to put a little thought into it rather than rushing into things. So don’t feel alone in this.

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